information mgt,
Does the Web Really Need Another Body Mass Index Calculator?
We didn't think so either. Interactive programs often differentiate one site from another.
Those that stand-out from the crowd ask users for input that is readily available to them and give them feedback that
they want and can use.
Case Study: Adolescent Girl Height Predictor
Few adolescents care about BMI.
Their all important question is how tall will they be? We used complex formulas and tabular data, everything that is known about how normal girls develop and grow.
Then we translated medical developmental milestones into questions about life events that the average girl can remember.
Case Study:
Physician Retirement Planning Analysis Tool
This physician practice management firm wanted to increase its business in managing physician retirement.
Their site included a program which surveys physicians' retirement assets and goals and then calculates the difference.
Information Management:
If we can't do it in ASP, it doesn't need to be done.
Users of health information have very specific questions.
However, the accurate answers can only be found in huge databases of information that are constantly updated.
More often than not, the creators of information have little or no knowledge about how to add to a website.
Having a store of information that is complete and organized, by both the publishers and the users,
is accomplished by good information management tools.
Case Study: Estronaut
Estronaut is a large women's health information site that is constantly updated.
Scores of articles, tips and interactive elements must be organized by multiple topics,
subjects, and sub-topics and by the age group. Each section of the site also has its own archives.
Complex Organizational Structure
Articles are categorized from a form which creates entries in a database.
The text of the articles, including titles, keywording, and heading can be
entered by non-technical staff. Even interactives, like polls, can be written.
Associated graphics can be specified. Functions for internal use, such as dates of
creation and reminders for updating are included.
Automated New Content Entry With
A Custom Web-to-Database Function
With a click of the mouse the relevant template is called up and the new content is added.
An article is generated and automatically placed on the appropriate entry pages and archives.
This is accomplished using web to database functions and ASP (Active Server Page), java, javascript, and swing.
Custom Programming and E-commerce
The paperwork and transfer of information in healthcare is staggering.
Secure electronic transfer can be used for anything from patient information,
business information, or ordering and purchasing.
Cyberoffice Office
This program streamlined the time-consuming process the initial history-taking for infertility patients.
The program was secure and accepted on-line payments. It could be used in the office or at home from a web browser.