Press Mentions:
"In case you were wondering" Q/A by Camille Chatterjee
Self, 4/00, pp. 84
"Are you ready to hang your shingle on the Web" by Jodi Knapp
ACP-ASIM Observer, 12/98, pp. 8-9
"Web Rx" by Gary Baldwin
American Medical News, 8/3/98, pp. 39-41
"Listen to this" by Julie Pitta
Forbes, 3/23/98, p. 144
Researchpark.com, Northwestern University 1/98, p. back cover
"Web sites for women, about children"
Chicago Tribune, 12/97
"Heath Buzz" by
Seventeen, 11/97, p. 86
"Considerations before jumping on the net" by Karen Sarpolis
Talking to the Boss, 10/96 pp. 14
"Women's Health" by Yahoo Internet Life
7/96, pp. 104-105
"Electronic house calls: New rules, new roles as healers swarm the Net" by Paul Engstrom & Michael S Brown
Medicine on the Net, 12/96, p.1-6